Postpartum Beauty

Some women are fortunate enough to go through pregnancy without any lasting traces, but a large majority experience inevitable changes in their bodies that affect their self-esteem. Sometimes, exercise and a proper diet are not enough to regain their figure, as having a child can leave behind damage to the mammary gland or nipples, as well as to the skin and muscles of the abdomen, not to mention the added weight. To regain the body they had before becoming a mother or even achieve the look they’ve always dreamed of, the most effective alternative is surgery—a safe option as long as it is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon in a reputable clinic that provides all the necessary guarantees.

After breastfeeding, breasts may sag, decrease or increase in size, and nipples may invert or enlarge. For each type of alteration, there is a specific procedure. To lift the breasts, the best option is a Breast Lift (Mastopexy), which involves creating an inverted T to reposition and lift them. This is a 30-minute surgery with no drains, no stitches to remove, and a minimal downtime of three days. When breasts increase in size and weight becomes an issue, a Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammoplasty) is recommended. For increasing breast size and improving their shape, the ideal option is Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammoplasty) with implants. In any of these procedures, widened areolas, inverted nipples, or overly large nipples can be corrected with simple techniques that yield excellent results without losing sensitivity or functionality.

A Flat Abdomen and Defined Waist
After giving birth, the abdomen undergoes the most significant changes, as the abdominal wall and muscle structures are affected. In this case, the best option to improve these postpartum effects is the New Corset Abdominoplasty. This procedure involves repositioning the entire muscle structure and correcting excess skin to achieve a flat abdomen, a defined waist, and a natural-looking belly button, thanks to the exclusive technique of plastic surgeon Ernesto Andrade. It is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately one and a half hours. No drains are left in place, patients can walk upright from the first day, there are no stitches to remove, and the minimum downtime is four days. It is recommended for those who do not plan to have more children in the future.

This is a common sentiment among mothers who undergo surgical procedures after having children. Firm breasts, a flat abdomen, and a defined waist help them look good and feel happy. Additionally, achieving this look motivates them to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine, preserving and even enhancing the results. It is always ideal to have a consultation with a plastic surgeon to determine if surgery is necessary and to understand the reasons behind the recommendation.

“All these alternatives should be evaluated together with your plastic surgeon, who will determine the appropriate procedure. Being a mother is a wonderful stage, but being a beautiful woman is equally important,” emphasizes Dr. Ernesto Andrade.

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