What does liposculpture involve?
Liposculpture is a complementary procedure to liposuction aimed at improving body harmony and aesthetics. In this procedure, fat that has been suctioned from certain areas of the body undergoes a special process. This treated fat is then injected into specific areas of the body that can benefit from added volume to achieve a more aesthetically harmonious figure.

Liposculpture surgery typically begins with liposuction, where fat is extracted from selected areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, or hips. This fat is collected using special techniques to maintain its integrity. The fat is then treated to remove impurities. Part of this fat is carefully injected into desired areas, such as the buttocks or any other part of the body that requires volume enhancement. Dr. Ernesto Andrade uses precise techniques to achieve natural and harmonious results.

Advantages of Liposculpture
- Natural results: The injected fat is autologous, meaning it comes from the patient's own body. This generally results in a more natural look and feel compared to other filler materials.
- Harmonious and defined figure: Liposculpture allows patients to achieve a more harmonious and defined figure by strategically redistributing fat.
- Complement to liposuction: Liposculpture is often combined with liposuction, enabling the sculpting and enhancement of multiple body areas in a single procedure.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Yes, liposculpture and liposuction are completely different procedures that complement each other. Liposuction focuses on removing fat from localized areas of the body where it accumulates, while liposculpture involves taking that extracted fat and reinjecting it into other areas of the body to add volume and improve appearance.
The most common area where fat is injected during liposculpture is the buttocks. However, fat may also be injected into other areas of the body when deemed necessary. This can include correcting asymmetries or deformities in different body regions.
Liposculpture is a completely safe treatment. This is because the fat extracted for reinjection is an autologous filler material, meaning it comes from the patient’s own body. This significantly reduces the risk of rejection or allergies, as the body recognizes and accepts its own tissue.
With Dr. Ernesto Andrade’s technique, which involves purifying the extracted fat before carefully injecting it into the desired areas, a harmonious and long-lasting result is achieved. It is important to note that tissues may absorb approximately 30% of the injected fat over time. For this reason, a larger amount of fat is initially injected to ensure the desired result is achieved and maintained over time.