Breast Aesthetic Surgery Without Silicone
“Breast surgery without silicone should be recommended by a certified plastic surgeon.”
You may have experienced these scenes several times: You undress, look in the mirror, and notice that your nipples are pointing downward. You can’t exercise because when you run, your breasts bounce with the movement. And to top it off, when you lie on your back, your breasts end up under your armpits. What to do? Sit down and read carefully: First, you must understand that you have fallen victim to one of singer Gilberto Santa Rosa’s phrases, “what goes up must come down.” According to aesthetic surgeon Ernesto Andrade, this happens to 60% of women. The reasons, as explained by the surgeon, include: “not wearing a bra, loss of fat and breast tissue, the passage of time, pregnancy, and breastfeeding—processes that lead to an increase in skin. Regardless of the reason, the consequence is the same: No bra makes your breasts look satisfactory to you or tempting to men anymore.